The adage, ‘History repeats itself’ is it a truism? An issue that I remember when I graduated with a degree in economics, couldn’t find a job because there was rampant inflationary pressure, and the interest rate hit around 20%. Businesses slowed down, decreased their workforce to keep liquid by holding cash to survive.

Unintentionally Becoming FRUGAL

Some of this sounds like today, inflationary pressure, businesses layoffs increasing unemployment, but thank goodness inflation hasn’t neared the 20% of yesteryear.

Currently, many sectors have been affected by inflation.  To name just a few critical areas that have seen the effects of inflation are energy (gas, heating, electricity), housing (residential, commercial, rentals), and food (meats, milk staples). Theses tend to be a short list that is affecting the marketplace. We can drive less, lower thermostats, live/move to a smaller place, but food!

Unintentionally Becoming FRUGAL

Frugal micro consumer techniques listed above can go so far. Inflation is a tax! To survive, consumers have dipped into their savings, their retirement accounts, and the use credit cards. These are short term solutions but are long term disasters. It will take them years or decades to recoup if ever.




Brenda is a Frugal advocate. She has written numerous articles, been on TV and on radio. A degree in Economics and Accounting has given her the insight to be an expert in Frugal lifestyle tips.

Call Brenda (973)857-7650 for your Frugal lifestyle tips


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