You might not see a great number of people, especially seniors for a while. They may be family members or neighbors. Where are they?

An invisible population!

This is more prevalent than we think. One root cause would be the loneliness that seniors experience leading them to hibernate and withdraw from society thus becoming invisible. Not so uncommon.

How does this happen? Why do we ask? Let’s examine the possible causes of why many seniors especially tend to behave in this manner. There are numerous reasons, but a few are:

  • Family dynamics – lack of communication e.g.,
    • Death of a spouse, relative or close friends
    • Children move away and busy with own families
    • Grand children busy with growing up
    • Lack of technology or their lack of skills to use and keep up with technology
  • Health issues increase as we get older e.g.,
    • Mobility – the increased use of mobility devices
    • Disabilities – concentrate and dealing with disabilities
    • Mental and cognitive decline
    • More visits to doctors
    • Stress of health issues have effects not only on seniors, but on all persons involved in their care.
  • Economic situations change as we get older e.g.,
    • Loss of jobs
    • Loss of income from deceased spouse
    • Downsizing anxiety to new living conditions

Communication is the key. The lack of human interactions leads to loneliness, then leads to isolation then leads to the INVISIBLE segment of our population.

So, what are some remedies?

We see that ‘communication’ as a key remedy to alleviate some stress relating to family, health and economic issues.

  • Senior Center – membership where there are friends with similar issues. They realize that they are not alone in their challenges.
  • Hobbies – a way to pass time on productive works. They help increase mental alertness, physical flexibility, and share their expertise with others.
  • Workshops – Learn new ideas, techniques and keep on learning.
  • Volunteering – Share your time helping others. Meet likeminded individuals.
  • Technology – Keep up to date on the latest devices. Even if you don’t own or use them, as least you become aware that they exist.

Simple ways we can help?

  • Check in on elderly parents and neighbors
  • Offer to run errands
  • Invite or visit for coffee

All this to keep the lines of COMMUNICATION open.

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