You might not see a great number of people, especially seniors for a while. They may be family members or neighbors. Where are they? An invisible population! This is more prevalent than we think. One root cause would be the loneliness that seniors experience leading them to hibernate and withdraw from society thus becoming invisible.…… Read More

The adage, ‘History repeats itself’ is it a truism? An issue that I remember when I graduated with a degree in economics, couldn’t find a job because there was rampant inflationary pressure, and the interest rate hit around 20%. Businesses slowed down, decreased their workforce to keep liquid by holding cash to survive. Unintentionally Becoming…… Read More

I am speaking to seniors and future retirees as a CSA, Certified Senior Advisor and tax accountant regarding taking a hobby during retirement. Why is it important to consider a hobby at and during your retirement years?  There are many reasons I believe that keeping productive extends your quality of life. Some of these are:…… Read More

What is ‘pent-up demand? Economically speaking, it is the demand for a product or service that has been reduced or eliminated in the free market system. What happens when the supply of the product or service becomes available again? A rush to buy? Hoarding? What is the solution? Increasing supply by accelerating the means of…… Read More

A frugal attitude is needed in booming, recessionary, inflationary, and deflationary times. Booming economic times affords us to set aside some disposable income as a hedge for leaner times. Setting aside a reserve will help individuals and businesses, with uneven cash flows due to seasonable income/revenue fluctuations. A truism states, ‘the best time to get…… Read More

We are creatures of habits, for good or bad. Some become automatic, some become mandatory, some are unconscious or conscious. Some experts say it takes around 21 – 30 days to form or unlearn a habit. Habits need support, reminders and repetition to become permanent. Our stay-at-home has been over 60 days in some areas.…… Read More

INFLATIONWinners and Losers We are hearing lot about the word ‘Inflation’ these days. It is a ‘word’ Economists use that is not understood by the average consumer? Is it going to affect me? Should I be concerned? How can I mitigate its affects? Is it real? Yes, inflation is real and is felt by all.…… Read More

A Coming-out event is big with all pomp and circumstances. How are you planning your debut? Quickly, or cautiously? We all have options in America. We all have different risk tolerances, e.g. insurances, stocks, health to name a few. Risk is especially true with this emergency. We must weigh our own tolerances as we move…… Read More

What is ‘cacooning‘? It is a retreat from stressful conditions. Does today Qualify? I think so – bigtime. It was coined in a 1981 book, “The Popcorn Report”, by Faith Popcorn. Her book suggested many future behaviors that we have seen fulfilled over the years. One of these behavior is retreating into our ‘cacoon‘ –…… Read More

This crisis takes many forms besides the obvious health and financial crisis. It affects all of us regardless of income, race, young, and old. The purpose of this article is to be proactive, positive as well as realistic since this will not last forever. We should be prepared for making changes and adjustments to the…… Read More