Two heads are better than one, especially when tackling an important, life altering situation such as retirement. When spouses or partners are both approaching retirement together, planning requires that both parties are involved in the decision making process, and that both parties have common values and goals. The starting point is always the hardest. Creating…… Read More

Why a ROTH IRA?When you get a deduction for a contribution to an IRA – that is a benefit. The benefit is a reduction in income. When you receive this deduction, the tax has been deferred and becomes taxable when it is distributed later. Contributions to a ROTH IRA are nondeductible. There is no deduction…… Read More

What is a gift tax? When is a gift taxable? When are we required to file gift tax returns? Who files the gift tax return? A gift tax is a wealth transfer tax while alive and together with the estate tax at death are both part of the unified transfer tax system. The IRS allows…… Read More

What is a gift tax? When is a gift taxable? When are we required to file gift tax returns? Who files the gift tax return? A gift tax is a wealth transfer tax while alive and together with the estate tax at death are both part of the unified transfer tax system. The IRS allows…… Read More

Vacations can be trips to foreign countries, trips to American sites, cruising the oceans, or visits to local recreation areas. They all have one thing in common: they all cost money. Some more than others, of course. But for each of these vacations, planning for them and keeping to a vacation budget is paramount. Make…… Read More

The challenge many of us face these days is how to make the most of the limited resources we have. There is no magic formula, no seminars to attend—yet this challenge can be met and overcome. An analysis of your everyday spending habits and a commitment to make small changes can result in remarkable savings.…… Read More

Two financial reports are a must throughout life, but are critical at and during retirement. They are the Net Worth and Income Statements which give you information about your financial health. As we age, our health changes and so does our financial health. We take the necessary steps to keep us physically sound, so must…… Read More

Money rules the world, even for children. A good time to teach kids about money is as soon as they become aware of pennies and loose change. Young children love to get those coins as if they were buried treasure. Very young children would rather have 100 pennies than one paper dollar. They like the…… Read More

It’s so easy to pull out the credit card, apply for a loan, go with the financing option on a car or other large purchase. It’s not really money, many think. But hard earned money has to pay the bills, and all money borrowed—whether it’s a line of credit or an interest rate that is…… Read More

Money makes the world go round. How we use it, spend it, or save it is critical to our existence. Our money attitudes and habits were learned at a young age by our parents, relatives, and friends. Later, from education and, finally, from life. But the basis of our relationship with money still lies in…… Read More